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Old King Coal is a brave old soul, but he is talking utter nonsense

"Arthur Scargill's nostalgia would punish the people he cares about. And as for his room-full-of-radiation challenge? I accept"


Coal isn't the climate enemy, Mr Monbiot. It's the solution

"We must draw on existing resources as part of an integrated energy policy, not flirt with nuclear, the most dangerous option "


Meltdown in the Arctic is speeding up

"Scientists warn that the North Pole could be free of ice in just five years' time instead of 60"

Category: Climate Change


How coal came back into fashion

"The protest at Kingsnorth may appear to be a battle over a coal-fired power station in an obscure corner of Kent, but it represents part of the frontline in a global rush for coal."


All is lost on global warming without clean coal

"A dramatic warning that "all is lost on global warming" unless the world finds a new clean coal technology in the next few years has been made by the UK energy minister, Malcolm Wicks."

Displaying results 786 to 790 out of 1185